
pete doherty中文是什么意思

  • 皮特多尔蒂
  • 皮特多赫提



  • 例句与用法
  • Amazingly , one in 50 wished they looked like scrawny junkie rocker pete doherty . the poll - of more than 1 , 000 people by medical firm benenden
    令人惊讶的是, 2 %的男人竟然希望自己的体型能和骨瘦如柴的吸毒摇滚青年彼得多赫提一样。
  • Amazingly , one in 50 wished they looked like scrawny junkie rocker pete doherty . the poll - of more than 1 , 000 people by medical firm benenden healthcare society - revealed some regional differences
  • Minogue jumped from no . 26 on the list in 2006 , while moss slipped to fourth this year from first in 2006 - - and her british rocker boyfriend pete doherty was named one of the worst dressed males
  • As well as her striking looks and renowned sense of fashion , moss has also been in the media glare because of her on - off relationship with british rocker pete doherty , a self - confessed drug addict who has been in and out of court over the past year
    凯特让人一看难忘的容貌和对时尚的敏锐触觉让她也颇受传媒的眷顾。她和摇滚乐手pete doherty分分合合的爱情也是娱乐圈的焦点,这位公子也曾是个瘾君子。
  • Minogue jumped from no . 26 on the list in 2006 , while moss slipped to fourth this year from first in 2006 - and her british rocker boyfriend pete doherty was named one of the worst dressed males . in second place was victoria beckham , former member of girl band the spice girls and wife of soccer player david who was named the best dressed male
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